An ULTRASOUND of Rocky’s Belly SAVED HIS LIFE ! Ultrasound told us that Rocky needed his gallbladder removed & he survived emergency ????surgery a year ago ! Did you know that an ULTRASOUND is EASILY PERFORMED WITHOUT ANESTHESIA ? It’s a NONINVASIVE TEST that provides a DETAILED ANALYSIS OF YOUR PET’S VITAL ORGANS. An Ultrasound Scan is VALUABLE for BOTH Sick & Healthy pets ! Talk to your Vet today about scheduling a scan for your pet ! #ultrasoundultrasound #videovideo #live#healthscreen #internalorgancheckinternalorgancheck #healthypethealthypet #bocaboca #bocaratonbocaraton #bocavet#bocamidtownevet #noninvasivenoninvasive #scanscan #palmbeachpalmbeach #aahaaaha #fearfreevetvisit#successstory #survivorsurvivor #beaglebeagle #beaglesofinstagrambeaglesofinstagram #beaglesofinsta#florida #petstagrampetstagram #dogstagramdogstagram #vetsofinstagramvetsofinstagram #beagle_mania#beaglemix #petsofinstagrampetsofinstagram #sonogramsonogram #sonographysonography #cholecystectomy#cholecystitis #gallbladder #gallbladdersurgery