Dr. Boazman was honored to be referred a case from gotitchypet Dr. Millie Rosales in Miami
Roger Cat required CO2 laser surgery for Feline bowenoid in situ carcinoma (BISC)
Dr. Boazman was privileged to consult with Dr. David Duclos theanimalskinandallergyclinic from Washington who published a study for aesculight_lasers on BISC
BISC is an uncommon premalignant neoplasm similar to Bowen’s disease in people. BISC lesions appear as irregular epidermal & follicular hyperplasia with hyperkeratosis & epidermal dysplasia.
BISC affects thick-haired areas on the head, neck, thorax, ventrum, & legs. Lesions are multiple, irregularly shaped, scaled, & crusted plaques with peripheral pigmentation skin are confined to the epidermis. Chronic lesions may become ulcerated & severely keratinized lesions create protruding “horns”
Diagnosis is made through biopsy. With prompt treatment, it’s unlikely to spread. The extent of the lesions is seen when the hair is clipped. The more severe lesions can be felt as crusts or raised scabs.
Laser surgery is a noninvasive & effective treatment. Conventional surgery is not a great option due to the numerous lesions. With laser we can precisely control the depth of ablation to eliminate the affected skin.
Laser ablation completely removes the lesions, preventing their development into the more serious squamous cell carcinoma. Because BISC is caused by a PV that remains in the skin, new lesions do develop over time.
The lesions were ablated with the VetScalpel laser equipped with the wide ablation nozzle, which allows covering large areas.
The goal is to ablate the epidermis until healthy tissue is reached. The high power laser enables us to move fast reducing surgery time.
Although BISC remains in outer layers of the skin, it will invade if not removed. Laser ablation removes the cancer early & leaves the underlying normal epidermis. More importantly it keeps the from developing fatal, invasive squamous cell carcinomas aesculight_lasers
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