Morgan was limping intermittently for months before coming to @bocamidtownevet for a second opinion
He had been prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medication that did not work for him
Watch @drboazman show you what we did to diagnose & treat Morgan for his painful condition ! #ivdd #ivddrecovery #ivddawareness
A dog’s spine, much like ours, is an amazing work of natural engineering!
Every movement is dependent upon the structural alignment & strength of the spinal cord & the vertebrae & discs that protect it. Each vertebra in your dog’s spine is separated from the next by an intervertebral disc. Every time your dog runs, jumps, or plays, these fluid-filled discs act as shock absorbers by helping to displace the weight load on the spine.
Canine intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) occurs when a disc in your dog’s spine is ruptured or herniated, leaking its contents & causing severe inflammation & pain for your best friend. When this happens, the disc is no longer able to act as a shock absorber or help with the weight load put on the spine. IVDD has serious side effects for your pooch, & the symptoms differ depending on where along the spine the problem disc is located.
The most common cause of IVDD is conformation & age, Over time, the discs in your dogs back lose their flexibility, making them more susceptible to injury. Severe injury is another common cause of intervertebral disc disease.
What is this magical CLASS 4 LASER THERAPY you ask ?
It’s DRUG FREE, HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS, & FEELS GREAT ! #lasertherapy @laservision_de @laservisionusa
It’s an FDA cleared therapeutic treatment that manages pain & inflammation while accelerating tissue regeneration.
Laser energy increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen, & nutrients to damaged areas.
This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasm, stiffness, & pain.
Laser therapy in our practice provides an effective & safe treatment option for our patients to heal quickly, recover fully, & reduce pain effectively.
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